Shandong Heracles Machinery Co., Ltd

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Company News >> heracles Loaders with CE, h180 heracles with SGS, H190 heracles loader with ISO
 Garden heracles loaders H190 vDaily maintenance of forklifts: cleaning dirt; Check the sealing performance; Check the heracles loaders H190 steering gear; Check for leaks; Tire inspection.
Conclusion: The H180 heracles Garden Mini Dumper generator on the excavator is very important, especially in today's highly developed and rapid development of electronics and automation, the importance of the generator as the foundation becomes increasingly important.
 Do not neglect its important work because there is no problem at that time; Second, the H180 heracles shall be prevented from running under high temperature. During the operation of the excavator, the values on various temperature gauges shall be checked AOLITE WD16E electric wheel dumper frequently to find problems
Maintenance: H180 heracles Daily maintenance: Clean dirt and soil on the forklift, check the H140 heracles loader reliability and flexibility of the foot brake and steering gear. First level technical maintenance: After Electric Wheel Loadersvworking for a total of 100 hours, a one shift work schedule is equivalent to 2 weeks according to the "daily maintenance"

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